The Loc Tho Pagoda has had a charity school since 1991, which was founded by Sister Thich Nu Dieu Y.  Sister Dieu Y dedicated her life to the children, and passed away in 2014. The school is now run by the amazing and loving nuns of the Loc Tho pagoda, and is not owned or operated by Lovingkindness Vietnam.  They rely entirely upon donations, much of which comes from people in their immediate community.

At just 15 minute’s drive from the center of Nha Trang, this is one of the easiest places to visit for those in Nha Trang. There are over 100 children from poor families studying at this primary school, some of whom also live here. The nuns at Loc Tho provide the children with school books, school supplies, school uniforms, daily meals, as well as monthly expenses, such as the salaries for the primary school teachers.

To donate to this cause, click the Donate button, which can be found on any page of this site in the top right. From the PayPal form, include a comment to indicate that you wish the donation to go to Loc Tho. You can also send us an email at ahren@lovingkindnessvietnam.org.


Treats for the Loc Tho Charity School

In June 2024 we brought yummy surprises to the children at the Loc Tho Charity School. The school is offering summer classes to local youngsters, and continues to provide...

Tet at the Loc Tho Charity School

In January 2023 we made a special holiday visit to the Loc Tho Charity School. The Lunar New Year is the biggest holiday of the year, and we wanted...

Tet 2018 at the Sunflower Orphanage

On February 2, 2018 we brought a Tet party to the Sunflower Orphanage in Nha Trang. Sunflower cares for a large group of teenage orphans, and is the sister orphanage...

Healthy Food for Loc Tho

In November 2017 we visited the Loc Tho Charity School and Orphanage with our monthly supply of healthy food. The nuns of the Loc Tho pagoda run a free primary...

Healthy Food for Loc Tho

On August 18, 2017 we brought healthy food to the Loc Tho Charity School and Orphanage. Loc Tho offers free primary schooling to neighborhood youngers whose parents cannot afford the...

Visit to Loc Tho

On July 21, 2017 we visited the Loc Tho Charity School and Orphanage with lots of healthy food. Loc Tho provides free primary schooling to neighborhood children whose parents cannot...

Visit to Loc Tho

On June 20, 2017 we visited the Loc Tho Charity School and Orphanage with lots of healthy food and essential supplies. Run by the nuns of the Loc Tho pagoda,...

Visit to the Loc Tho Charity School

On February 26, 2017 we visited the Loc Tho Charity School and Orphanage with healthy food and new storage drawers. Run by the nuns of the adjacent pagoda, Loc Tho...

New School Uniforms for Loc Tho

On August 26, 2016 we brought brand new school uniforms for all of the children at the Loc Tho Charity School and Orphanage. The Loc Tho Pagoda lies to the...

Healthy Food for Loc Tho

On August 5, 2016 we brought lots of healthy food and snacks to the children of the Loc Tho Charity School and Orphanage. In addition to being an orphanage to...

Healthy Food and Treats at Loc Tho

On June 14, 2016 we brought lots of healthy food and a fun treat party to the children of the Loc Tho Charity School and Orphanage. Loc Tho provides a...

Healthy Food and Gifts for Loc Tho

On April 11, 2016 we made a visit to the Loc Tho Charity School and Orphanage. The charity school at Loc Tho offers free primary schooling through accredited teachers to...

Tet and Healthy Food for Loc Tho

On January 31, 2016 we brought our monthly supply of healthy food to the Loc Tho Charity School and Orphanage, and handed out gift bags to all of the students...

Nutritious food at Loc Tho

On November 13, 2015 we brought nutritious food to the Loc Tho Charity School and Orphanage. This was provided by the continued loving support of Lloyd and...

Healthy Food for Loc Tho Students

On October 13, 2015 we brought our monthly supply of healthy food supplements to the Loc Tho Charity School and Orphanage. This was provided by the continued...

Healthy food for Loc Tho

On September 17, 2015 we brought healthy food and a fun treat to the Loc Tho Charity School & Orphanage. This visit was made possible through the continued...

Loc Tho Charity School – December 2012

We brought gifts and made facility improvements to the Loc Tho Charity School. American donors Richard and Marjorie, together with family & friends, made another generous commitment to...

Loc Tho Charity School

On January 30, 2011 we attended a ceremony at the Loc Tho Charity School. Australian’s Alan and Theresa Pham bought new school uniforms for all 79 children attending...


Loc Tho Charity School
Thon Ngoc Hoi Vinh Ngoc
Khanh Hoa




Take 23 Thang 10 Street out of Nha Trang, and at about 1 km past the Long Son Pagoda you’ll come to a traffic signal. Turn right onto D Huong Lo 45. You’ll glide past the Ngoc Hiep Market and come to a set of train tracks at the base of Ganh Hill and a large sign leading up to the Kim Son Pagoda. A hundred meters past the train tracks is a small sign for “Chua Loc Tho” at D Xom Chieu. Follow the little road until you see the large Buddhist compound.