Lovingkindness Vietnam

Lots of Food and Supplies for the Phu Quang Orphanage

2023-05-15T17:37:24-07:00May 15th, 2023|Orphanages, Phu Quang Orphanage|

In April 2023, Lovingkindness Vietnam delivered much-needed food and supplies to the Phu Quang Orphanage. The food and supplies helped to ensure that the children at the orphanage have enough to eat and that ...

New Cabinets, a Freezer, then Easter Dinner at the Nhan Ai Orphanage

2023-04-20T16:13:27-07:00April 20th, 2023|Nhan Ai Orphanage, Orphanages|

In April 2023 we brought some big gifts to the Nhan Ai Orphanage, then held a feast for the children. We had reached out to the nuns at the orphanage and asked if there ...

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