On May 19, 2018 we brought sports equipment and other essential supplies to the Anh Dao Orphanage. Anh Dao is a loving home to many wonderful children, located in Ninh Hoa to the north of Nha Trang. We called the head nun at the orphanage to learn what their most pressing needs were, and put together a visit. Our team loaded up trucks with everything that was requested, and drove up to Ninh Hoa.

The children helped unload everything, and gathered in the main common room. We brought bags of rice, boxes of noodles, packages of milk, bags of bean varieties, packages of soy products, bottles of soy sauce, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soaps and shampoos, cleaning products, toiletries, new standing fans, badminton sets, jump ropes, shuttle****s, balloons, and snacks.

After playing with balloons, the children were eager to test out their new sporting equipment. Everyone spilled out into the field behind the orphanage and played. It was lots of fun!

This charity trip was made possible through the kind donations of Juli and Kyle.

Thank you!!!