On August 27, 2018 we visited the Anh Dao Orphanage with lots of school supplies for the new school term. Anh Dao is a loving home to a large group of orphans, located in Ninh Hoa to the north of Nha Trang. With the school year beginning, Anh Dao must provide everything for the orphans to ensure they receive an education. With so many children the costs can be high.

We contacted the head nun and learned what the children were in need of for the school year. Lead by our coordinators Loan and Nhan, our team loaded up a van and made the long drive to the orphanage. We brought all the textbooks and school supplies the children will need for the upcoming school year, as well as new backpacks, school uniforms, and new shoes.

After receiving their uniforms and backpacks, many of the children tried on their uniforms. We handed out ice cream bars to the children, who dove right into them. Finally, the orphans tried on their new shoes.

This charity trip was made possible through the kind donations of Juli and Kyle.

Thank you!!!