On January 17, 2015 we made a visit to the Mai Am Anh Dao Orphanage. This trip was made possible by Nicole McEvoy of Australia and Yen Giang of Hong Kong. One of our newest coordinators, Professor Khanh Tran of Thai Binh Duong University in Nha Trang, did an amazing job organizing the trip and guaranteeing that the orphans at Anh Dao had a wonderful experience. Through Nicole and Giang’s donation, Khanh brought new clothes for the children to wear on Tet, bags of rice, boxes of instant noodles, milk, cooking oil, seasonings, baby formula, diapers, stuffed animals, toys, and snacks. As a veteran teacher, Khanh had lots of ideas for games to play and helped the children make thank you cards. It was a lot of fun for everybody. Thank you Nicole and Giang!