In May 2024 we brought lots of food and general supplies to the Suoi Cat Charity Home for Girls. We had reached out to the caretakers and asked what provisions we could bring. They gave us a list of items for the Home, and our team of volunteers began making plans to visit.

We bought everything at local markets, loaded up a van, and made the drive out to Suoi Cat. On this visit, we brought milk, ramen, seasonings, cooking oil, soy sauce, fish sauce, snacks, school supplies, office supplies, arts and craft supplies, toothpaste, toothbrushes, socks, shampoo, cleaning products, laundry detergent, body wash, and shampoo.

As a fun snack, we prepared fresh watermelon slices for all to enjoy. It was a lovely visit!

This charity visit was made possible through the kind donations from JL Support Services. Thank you!!!


Suoi Cat is a poor community to the west of Nha Trang, composed of rural farming hamlets that live in poverty. The Suoi Cat Charity Home is a loving place that houses and cares for many of the community’s children whose families struggle to support and provide for them. The home is composed of teenage girls, who stay at the home year-round, sleep in dormitories, and have meals together in a communal dining hall. The children attend public school and receive tutoring and extra lessons at the home.