On April 7, 2013 Lucette Dillon of the Quan Am Foundation brought brand new desks and food supplies to the Hoa Sen Charity School. Since visiting Nha Trang last year, Lucette has made it her mission to help those most in need in Vietnam. Based in New Zealand, the Quan Am Foundation has done amazing work helping those less fortunate, and it is a credit to Lucette’s energy and passion for her cause. We have helped her coordinate her efforts in Nha Trang since last year, and feel blessed to be a part of her work.

Our Lead Coordinator, Ngoc, has kept in touch with the nuns at Hoa Sen, and learned that the children continue to study at plastic tables and chairs. When we told Lucette about it, she set about raising funds to build new desks for the children. Not only did she accomplished her goal, she also raised enough to buy new desks and books for the Loc Tho Charity School, and sponsor a field trip for the children at Loc Tho!

Carpenters began putting the desks together a month ago, and were finished by the time Lucette arrived in Nha Trang. Ngoc and Hiep helped coordinate the desks being brought to Hoa Sen, and there was a wonderful visit. A few days earlier, new desks and books were brought to Loc Tho, and before Lucette left she brought all of the Loc Tho children for a day of games, food, and swimming at the Egg Mud Bath Park in Nha Trang.

There are lots of great pictures on the Quan Am Foundation Facebook page.

Thank you Lucette and everyone in New Zealand who contributed to this wonderful visit!