In December 2016 we brought lots of essential supplies to the Dai An Orphanage, and had a Christmas party with the children. Dai An is a loving home to young orphans in the peaceful countryside west of Nha Trang, and depend entirely upon donations for survival. When we contacted the caretakers at the orphanage about their needs, they had specific requests. They were running low on essential supplies, and also requested essential foodstuff for next month as well. They anticipated the higher prices that occur every year near the Vietnamese new year, Tet, and hoped to have enough to last them through Tet.
Our team of volunteers brought lots of supplies, including bags of rice, boxes of noodles, boxes of dried fish, bags of beans, soy sauce, cooking oil, new bowls and kitchen supplies, and assorted seasonings. We brought lots of presents for the orphans. The children all put on Santa hats and excitedly opened their gifts. It was a very fun Christmas party!
All of the supplies and the wonderful Christmas party were made possible through the generous donations of Sharon Kelly and Stephen Milne. Thank you!!!