Lovingkindness Vietnam

Fans to Beat the Summer Heat at the Sunflower Orphanage

2022-07-20T13:50:00-07:00July 20th, 2022|Orphanages, Sunflower Orphanage|

In July 2022 we visited the Sunflower Orphanage with some special and timely gifts. The summer heat is bearing down on Vietnam and the caretakers at Sunflower asked for some new standing fans. The ...

Lots of Supplies for the Sunflower Orphanage in Nha Trang

2022-06-22T16:57:07-07:00June 22nd, 2022|Orphanages, Sunflower Orphanage|

In June 2022 we made a charity trip to the Sunflower Orphanage in downtown Nha Trang. After coordinating with the orphanage caretakers, our team bought lots of provisions at local markets, loaded up a ...

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