In early August 2019 we visited the Thua Sai Home for Disabled Children. Located in a peaceful country setting in Cam Ranh, to the south of Nha Trang, Thua Sai offers a home and school for children with neurological disorders whose parents cannot afford the specialized care their children require. The nuns and caretakers teach the children in classrooms on the grounds, and it is a loving home to these wonderful children.

We contacted the caretakers and received a detailed list of what they were in need of, then organized a visit. Our team brought racks of eggs, fresh meats, fresh vegetables, packets of seasonings, toothpaste, laundry detergent, towels, blankets, dishcloths, brooms, and napkins.

The children gathered in the common room then helped put away all the supplies. Our team then stayed for lunch with the children, which was noodle soup and watermelon slices. A lovely visit!

This wonderful gift was made possible through the kindness of a family in the USA.

Thank you!!!