In August 2024 our team drove out to visit with the children at Hy Vong. We had contacted the caretakers ahead of time to learn what items we could bring this month. They provided us with a detailed list of food and general supplies, and our volunteers in Nha Trang planned out the visit.

When we arrived, the children helped stack all the supplies on the courtyard steps. We brought boxes of ramen, drinking water, siracha, soy sauce, milk, canned meat, bags of rice, seasonings, dish soap, toiletries, and detergent.

As a treat for the children, our team prepared sweet drinks for everyone to enjoy. It was a lovely day!

This charity trip was made possible through the kind donations from a family in the USA and an anonymous donor. Thank you!!!


Located in the Suoi Cat district to the west of Nha Trang, the Hy Vong Home for Disabled Children offers a home and school for children with neurological disorders and disabilities whose parents cannot afford the specialized care their children require. The nuns and caretakers teach the children in classrooms on the grounds, and it is a loving and caring environment for a group of amazing children.