On October 5, 2017 we visited the Dai An Orphanage with a holiday surprise for the children. Dai An is a loving home for young orphans, located in the countryside to the south of Nha Trang. The 5th was the Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam, which is fun holiday for children. They get to eat yummy snacks such as mooncakes, and parade about in the evening with glowing paper lanterns. For the orphans, we brought lots of fun treats for a holiday party, and lanterns for every child. After dinner, the children had their holiday party in the orphanage courtyard, and several even got dressed up in costumes of dancing lions and the monkey god. While our nighttime photos were a little grainy, the children had a ball!
This holiday treat for the children was made possible through the kind donations of Sharon Kelly and Stephen Milne.
Thank you!!!