In January 2024 we had a Lunar New Year Tet party at the Anh Dao Orphanage. Tet this year falls in February, and every year the costs of basic items skyrockets, and the logistics of making charity trips get complicated. As such,  we got a jump on planning this year and coordinated with the head nun to bring a surprise celebration to the children a few weeks early.

We also brought general supplies for the month, and the children helped our team bring everything inside. For general supplies, we brought bags of rice, sweet rice, mung beans, peanuts, a variety of fresh vegetables, different meats, varieties of fish, racks of eggs, seasonings, bottles of soy sauce, fish sauce, and siracha, tofu sheets, many varieties of mushrooms, shampoo, body wash, floor soap, toilet cleaner, laundry detergent, and dish soap.

To welcome the Year of the Dragon, we brought lots of traditional Tet sweets, soda, and red envelopes of lucky money. Sweets included dried ginger, dried coconut, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, banana candy, corn candy, orange candy, and chocolate. It was a lovely day!

This charity trip was made possible through the kind donations from Luanne Lemmer and Paul Baty. Thank you!!!


Founded in 2004 by the Buddhist nun Thich Nu An Son, a large group of orphans are cared for at this wonderful home in Ninh Hoa, 62 kilometers north of Nha Trang. Visit the orphanage and you’ll find a well-organized and loving environment. The children are happy, and it’s a joy to sit, talk, and play with the little ones. To help provide nourishment to the children, and as a small means of earning funds, Sister An Son tends a small farm behind the orphanage, in front of the girl’s living quarters. The children eat the vegetables that are grown here, and the surplus can be sold to help pay for monthly expenses.