On February 10, 2016 we brought the lunar new year to the children at the Kim Son Charity School. Kim Son offers free primary schooling to children whose families cannot afford the costs of sending them to public school. Kim Son also runs a free vocational school for those who wish to learn sewing skills.
Tet is the biggest holiday of the year, and for many impoverished families it can be a time of struggle. Costs on basic items skyrocket, and poor communities cannot afford to buy all of the traditional foods to ring in the new year. Thanks to the generosity of several individuals, we were able to give all of the students Tet care packages to take home to their families. Children received ‘banh Tet’ cake, a box of noodles, and many fun snacks. The nuns at Kim Son made it a fun celebration, with the school’s founder, now an elderly nun, in attendance.
This trip was made possible through the generosity of Mr. Hieu Nguyen of the USA and Truong & Xuan & Lucas Do of the USA.
Thank you!!!