In October 2021 we had a fun visit to the Phu Quang Orphanage. We had reached out to the head nun and said we wanted to help with their education costs. With COVID travel restrictions in place for most of the year, the orphanage had received fewer visitors and donations. We wanted to make sure the children had everything they needed for their education.

We bought all textbooks, school supplies, footwear, and backpacks for everyone at the orphanage. The children carried everything into the common room, and were eager to look through their new books and try on their shoes. We also brought food supplies for the month, including bags of rice, many fresh vegetables, drinks, and cleaning supplies.

This wonderful visit was made possible through the kind donations of Anvi Bui and A. Bui Consulting. Thank you!!!


The Phu Quang Orphanage was founded by Sister Thich Nu Dieu An at the Phu Quang pagoda in the early 2000’s. For many years, the orphanage has been a loving home to a group of orphans and a foster home to neighborhood children whose families struggle to support and provide for them. Phu Quang cares for about 15 children in a loving environment.