In May 2024 we had a fun visit to the Loc Tho Charity School. We had contacted the caretakers and asked what provisions we could bring them this month. They provided us with a detailed list of food and other supplies, and our team of volunteers made preparations to visit.

We bought everything at local markets, loaded up a van, and made the drive out to the school. The children were in the courtyard doing their morning exercises when we arrived. They took a break and came into the pavilion to greet our team. On this visit, we brought bags of rice, cooking oil, milk, ramen, mushrooms, vegan pork, tofu sheets, tofu blocks, fresh vegetables, vegan fish sauce, sugar, condensed milk, floor soap, and laundry detergent.

As a fun treat, we prepared bubble tea drinks for all the children. It was a wonderful day!

This charity trip was made possible through kindhearted donations from Shaun Minn, Alysha Sims, Thao Minn, Koshu Takatsuji, Tri Phung, Daniel Cole, Kateryna Lo, Elaine Nguyen, Jef O’Riley, and Taun Luu. Thank you!!!


The Loc Tho Pagoda has had a charity school since 1991, which was founded by Sister Thich Nu Dieu Y.  Sister Dieu Y dedicated her life to the children and passed away in 2014. The school is now run by the amazing and loving nuns of the Loc Tho pagoda. It’s a free primary school for poor children in the community whose parents cannot afford the costs of a public education. Textbooks, uniforms, shoes, school supplies, and teachers’ fees are all paid for by the school, and all children are welcome. The school provides breakfast and lunch for the students. The pagoda also cares for several orphans and foster children.