In mid-November we had a lovely visit at the Hy Vong Home for Disabled Children. We worked with the nuns who run the home and made a detailed list of their current needs. Our team went to local markets, bought everything on the list, and drove out to the home.

The children gathered on the steps of the courtyard, and we unloaded all the supplies from the truck. On this visit, we brought packages of sausages, seasonings, bottles of fish sauce, packages of milk, 2 wall-mounted fans, kitchen cutlery, bottles of shampoo, bars of soaps, toiletries, laundry detergent, and cleaning supplies.

The make the occasion fun for the children, our team handed out snacks and balloons. It was a very fun visit!

This charity trip was made possible through the kindness of a family in the USA. Thank you!!!


Located in the Suoi Cat district to the west of Nha Trang, the Hy Vong Home for Disabled Children offers a home and school for children with neurological disorders and disabilities whose parents cannot afford the specialized care their children require. The nuns and caretakers teach the children in classrooms on the grounds, and it is a loving and caring environment for a group of amazing children.