In May 2021 we brought lots of food to the Khanh Son Charity Home. The home cares for children whose families are in poverty, so has many mouths of feed. The nuns gave us a detailed list and we made arrangements to have everything delivered to the home. As a nice surprise for the children, we also arranged a school-year-end party with yummy food and drinks. There were lots of smiles!

This visit was made possible through a donation from the BEI Foundation. Thank you!!!


Located in the mountainous area to the southwest of Nha Trang, the Khanh Son Charity Home is a loving place that houses and cares for many of the community’s children whose families struggle to support and provide for them. Some of the children stay at the home year-round, sleep in dormitories, and have meals together in a communal dining hall. The nuns provide a nurturing environment for all, ensure the children attend local public schools, and offer free daycare, kindergarten, and after-school tutoring lessons.