In May 2024 we had a fun party at the Kim Son Charity School. It’s the end of the academic year and we wanted to support the traditional celebration many schools have for the students. All the children at Kim Son come from poor families, so we also arranged to have gifts for the children to take home to their families. We coordinated closely with the nuns at the school, who arranged everything.

On the day of the party, there was a big banner at the front of the classroom, and it was a festive atmosphere. The teachers and nuns gave speeches, and the top performing students got awards for academic excellence. We than handed out snacks for the all the children. To take home to their families, each child got a bag of rice, box of noodles, bottle of cooking oil, and bottle of soy sauce.

It was a wonderful day! This charity trip was possible through the kind donations from the Kinghurst Foundation and Luanne Lemmer. Thank you!!!


This wonderful organization offers free primary school education at their charity school, plus free sewing skills training at their free vocational school for those who live in the area of Vinh Luong ward, 15 kilometers north of Nha Trang. Founded at the Kim Son Pagoda  in 1994 by the Buddhist nun Thich Nu Dieu Phuc, it has long been a loving source of education for local youngsters. There are classrooms which grades 1 to 5 split in morning and afternoon shifts. Kim Son is also a vocational school with donated sewing machines for those wishing to learn tailoring skills. Another classroom offers acupuncture education.