The mission of Lovingkindness Vietnam is to directly aid those in need throughout the area surrounding Nha Trang, Vietnam. We seek out and visit the wonderful orphanages, charity schools, and communities, identify how best to improve the health and wellbeing of the children, and put into place programs to bring about lasting change. As we are a small charity dedicated to one area, we can oversee customized programs from donors overseas. If you wish to see your donations go to buying food for one specific orphanage, or improve the living facilities of a home for disabled children, we can make it a reality.
All of the places that we assist are privately run, usually by pagodas or churches, and are not owned or operated by Lovingkindness Vietnam. These places were founded by those with love in their hearts, and it has been a blessing to work with them as much as we are able.
All of our volunteers live in Nha Trang, are able to regularly visit the loving organizations we seek to help, and always personally oversee any project we put into place. We sit down with the head of the orphanage or charity school, and discuss the best ways donors can assist their kind efforts. By getting to know the people involved, meeting the children, and actually spending time with them, we can see the best path to improving the lives of the children.
The history of Lovingkindness Vietnam can be traced back to 1999, when Ahren and Khanh Sims first met. Together they explored the surrounding areas and visited some of the orphanages that neither had known about. Upon their return in 2005, they sought out as many orphanages and schools dedicated to caring for and educating impoverished children, doing charity when they were able.
In their visits they met many generous people who were interested in doing charity. Some were tourists visiting Nha Trang for a short time who found joy in helping those in need. In 2009, Ahren and Khanh launched Lovingkindness Vietnam to continue helping the children of Nha Trang and Khanh Hoa Province. It’s from the dedication of so many volunteers and donors that our efforts have made lasting changes in the lives of these wonderful children.
We made the decision to limit our activities to the area immediately surrounding Nha Trang so that our amazing team of volunteers could personally oversee all of our humanitarian programs, and maintain regular contact with the orphanages and charity schools. We welcome partnerships with other charities, and also provide information for those who visit Nha Trang and wish to make charitable contributions on their own. With your help, the neediest children can find hope and joy in the world.