In September 2024 we made our first visit to the Martino Charity Home in Quang Tri province. We have had a long relationship with the Thua Sai Home for Disabled Children in Cam Ranh. One of the nuns from Thua Sai moved north to serve in the church in Quang Tri, near Hue in central Vietnam. While there, she found that the church supported a charity home for youngsters in the area from poor families who struggled to support them. She reached out to us and asked if we could support their effort. We were excited to learn more!

We worked with the caretakers and arranged to have food and other supplies delivered for the month. This month we brought bags of rice, milk, eggs, pork, noodles, seasonings, cooking oil, penne noodles, sugar, toiletries, and funds for school supplies.

The nuns sent us lots of fun pictures of the children in the main common room, and later in their school uniforms walking to school. A wonderful image!

This charity effort was made possible through the kind donations from Steven Burger. Thank you!!!


This loving home is located in rural Quang Tri province, 90 kilometers northwest of Hue. The area is home to the Bru-Van Kieu ethnic group, who have a unique language and culture, and extend from central Vietnam into Laos and Thailand. There is much poverty in this region, which puts undue pressure on families. The Martino Charity Home was founded to house and care for young children in the area whose families struggle to support and provide for them. The home is adjacent the Phuoc Tuyen Catholic Church and overseen by Father Nguyen Thi Thu Huong. About 33 children aged 6 to 11 live at the home year round. The nuns and caretakers provide housing, meals, and a loving environment for the children to grow and thrive. The children attend local elementary schools and receive extra tutoring at the home.