On May 19, 2017 we visited the lovely Song Lo Orphanage with essential supplies. Song Lo is a small orphanage to the west of Nha Trang, in a peaceful countryside setting. The orphanage is dependent upon donations for survival, and we contacted the nuns about the orphanage’s immediate needs. They gave us a detailed list, and our team of volunteers bought all the supplies, and drove out to visit with the orphans. We brought milk, bags of beans, dried mushrooms, cans of sardines, bread rolls, fruit, shampoo and soaps, diapers and toiletries, cleaning supplies, snacks, badminton sets, and jump ropes. The children were happy to see the snacks, and quickly opened the packages of badminton sets and jump ropes. Our team stayed and visited for a while, and played with the children with their new toys.

This visit was made possible through a donation from the BEI Foundation. Thank you!!!